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Nonagreement: The Most Common Grammar Mistake and How to Avoid It

Do you find yourself struggling with grammar and syntax while writing? You`re not alone. Many writers make grammar and syntax errors that can impact their content`s readability, clarity, and credibility. One of the most common mistakes made by writers is nonagreement between subject and verb.

Nonagreement occurs when a subject and verb do not agree in number. For example, “The dogs is barking” is a nonagreement because “dogs” is plural, and “is” is singular. Another example is “The cake, as well as the cookies, were delicious.” The subject is “cake” and “cookies,” both of which are plural, but the verb is “were,” which is plural.

Nonagreement is not only a grammatical mistake, but it can also affect your website`s SEO. Search engines prefer websites with high-quality content, and nonagreement is considered a grammatical mistake that can lower your content`s quality.

To avoid nonagreement, you need to ensure that your subject and verb agree in number. For subjects that are singular, use singular verbs. For example, “The dog is barking,” where “dog” is singular, and “is” is a singular verb. For plural subjects, use plural verbs. For example, “The dogs are barking,” where “dogs” is plural, and “are” is a plural verb.

One of the best ways to avoid nonagreement is to read your sentences aloud. Doing so will help you identify if your subject and verb agree in number. You can also use online grammar checkers such as Grammarly, which can help you identify and correct nonagreement in your writing.

In conclusion, nonagreement is a common grammatical mistake that can affect your content`s quality and SEO. To avoid nonagreement, always ensure that your subject and verb agree in number. By following these simple rules, you can improve your writing and produce high-quality content that both readers and search engines will appreciate.